The cold weather can be problematic for your residential and commercial plumbing systems. Snow, hail, and rain can block the pipes. In fact, winter is the busiest season for plumbing companies. Plumbers are busy repairing pipes, unclogging drainage systems, and maintaining furnaces and heaters.Maintaining your plumbing system and keeping it in a healthy condition is critical to conveniently spend your winters. Imagine having a problem with your water heater, and having to take a bath in icy cold water. Moreover, due to winter festivities, many people have visitors and guests. This also puts extra strain on your plumbing system.Therefore, you must make sure that your plumbing is in perfect working condition and will not cause any inconvenience. Thankfully, you can maintain your plumbing system by following some proactive measures. This blog post highlights some helpful tips necessary for you to keep your plumbing system in good condition this winter.
Disconnect Your Outdoor Hoses
Outdoor hoses are more prone to damage from snow and ice. Come winter, your outdoor hoses are the first victims and can cause damage to other parts of your plumbing.If you allow them to stay connected to your pipes connected to your home, the ice may form in those pipes as well as in those connected to your home. The pressure may build up inside the pipes and burst.Thus, it is best to disconnect any outdoor hose and cover the exterior faucets with a faucet jacket. Turn off your outside water valves and check for areas that might need insulation.
Read more about how to prevent your pipes from freezing.
Check For Any Leaks
Checking for any leaks around the house is critical as a part of your winter plumbing maintenance routine. Check taps and showerheads, note any low water pressure, and check to see if any of your taps are not flowing a sufficient amount of water. If you notice any leaks from your taps, it is better to
call a professional residential plumbing service.
Keep Your Place Warm
Keeping your home warm in the winter is necessary for your health and your plumbing system. Cold indoor temperatures are one of the reasons for pipe bursting in your home. Keeping your indoors warm helps keep your pipes warm and prevents them from bursting.Therefore, you must make sure that your home is at a comfortable temperature level at all times. During the winter, the temperature should not fall below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Moreover, have the proper insulation to prevent cold air from coming from outside.
Prevent Kitchen Clogs
The winter is all about the holiday season and cooking your favorite meals. Therefore, this time of the year can significantly impact your kitchen drainage system. How you dispose of those leftovers will determine the quality of your kitchen drainage. Those table scraps can affect your kitchen’s plumbing system.You should never pour your leftovers down the drain. These scraps clog the pipes and prevent water drainage. Always throw them in the garbage bin and run plenty of warm water with vinegar to avoid clogging.
Maintain Your Water Heaters
Your water heater has to work hard during the winter, and in case of further plumbing issues, they might find it much harder to function properly. Therefore, maintaining your water heater and keeping it in good condition is necessary to avoid costly problems later.Take special care of your water heaters in the winter. Avoid mineral build-up and deposits of whiteness in the water heaters’ tank. Ensure the pipes connected to it are in working condition, and there is no rust inside the tank.
Get Your Plumbing System Checked By Professionals
Another wise thing to avoid plumbing problems in the winter is to keep them up to date. A
professional plumbing company can help you with that and help maintain your pipes, drains, faucets, heaters, furnaces, and more.
About Jack’d Up Plumbing
Do you need any assistance with a plumbing emergency?
Jack’d Up Plumbing is Calgary’s most trusted plumbing provider. We are here to serve you and are available at all times to solve any of your plumbing-related issues. We provide prompt, professional, and affordable plumbing services to our residential and commercial customers in Calgary and surrounding areas.
Get in touch with us here for further information.